Saturday, January 24, 2009

How's The Reading Going, Slacker?

Let me tell you, I am eating up DMZ and Fables right now. Brian Wood is by far one of my favorite authors and not only in graphic novels.

I guess I should address the fact that I will transpose the terms "comic book" and "graphic novel" for no better reason other than, regardless of the argument I do not see the benefit of using either term. I don't find one more or less correct than the other. Perhaps one day I will stick to one, but for now, it may be comic book and it may be graphic novel.

So, with that said, I have been reading a lot more comic books and Brontes literature than traditional novels. I've recently taken up re-reading The Belgian Essays, written by Emily and Charlotte Bronte and edited by Sue Lonoff. As interesting as I find it, I am most likely not going to blog about it. It's hard to find and it's a collection of basically corrected homework. Then again, maybe I will blog about why I love it and why any good Brontes lover will read it.

Anyway, here are the novels I need to write about:
1) DMZ (Trades #1-5)
2) Fables (Trades 1-6)
3) Queen & Country: Definitive Collection (#1)
4) Fell

-- Traditional novels? Er, none. Yet. I will probably put The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte on the list. I have this top secret project I'm working on that requires a indepth look at the novel. Oh, and it isn't graduate school applications.